Sunday, January 1, 2012

a history of blisters

The phrase "Wait for Something Better" has always held meaning to me ever since I heard the song "This is Your Life" by the Killers four years ago. 2008 was the beginning of a very hard period in my life, and this phrase always seemed to encourage me. Even when things were terrible and I didn't want to even bother getting out of bed, this phrase brought perspective to me. Yeah, my life wasn't what I wanted and for awhile I was fighting a pretty hard case of depression and self abusive behavior. But this phrase reminded me that no matter how terrible I thought it was, if I just waited, something better may come along. Today may have been as awful as the last, but tomorrow had the potential to be better.

Four years later, I feel that all that waiting has finally paid off. My life is going in a completely different direction than I had ever imagined it would, but it has done nothing but improve. Twenty-three was always an age I looked forward to, even as child, as being one of the best years a person can have for a plethora of reasons. And with this year almost at a close, I feel my younger self's foresight was surprisingly accurate. This has been the best year of my life so far. I wake up happy, I go to bed happy, and I am well on my way to a future that holds nothing but promise for me. I'm glad I haven't let my younger self down in her high hopes for all this year of life could be.

So, from here I will start an introduction.

My name is Karen. I am twenty-three year old California girl raised in the heart of Texas. I created this blog quite awhile ago to begin mapping out my journey through what I expected to be the greatest year of my life. And while this year has been fantastic, not a single post was ever made.

Therefore, my New Years Resolution is this: to start now. I have been waiting for something better for almost four years and now that so many opportunities and doors have been opened to me, I feel it is time for me to take action. I hope that through effort and hard work, I'll be able to fully take my future into my own hands and keep my past from repeating itself. That I'll be able to keep my life on this path of positivity and success, rather than feeling trapped in helpless situations where all I could do was endure, hoping that one day, something better may come along.

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